I have a simple question about jqTouch. Is it possible to programmatically slide jqTouch object?
Let say, for example, that I have a ul list of 100 li elements sorted by time. When I create this list, I would like automatically slide to li with current time - let say it is on position 50. How can I do that? Is it possible?
In jCarousel for example you can sel scroll number and call .next(). How about jqTouch? Is it possible and if yes - how?
When you are creating the list, you can add a class, e.g. "currentTime" to the li you want to scroll to. then use the scrollTop function to scroll to the position of the li
function scrollToElement(selector,animate) {
//get the position of the li with class currentTime
var pos = $(selector).offset().top;
if (animate){
$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: pos },'slow');
} else {
You can bind it to one of the jqtouch page events like this. '#results' is the page you are navigating to, using jqTouch.
$(function () {
$('#results').bind('pageAnimationEnd', function (e, info) {
if (info.direction === "in" && loadOnce) {
If you are not using jqTouch, just call it on jquery's document ready or anywhere else after your list is loaded in the DOM