currently I'm working on a project of getting custom data, pushing it to Prometheus and visualizing it with Grafana. I've figured out that Prometheus doesn't store data, so I decided to use VictoriaMetrics. I downloaded vmutils and ran vmagent in cmd:
And in prometheus.yml I wrote this:
- url: http://localhost:8429/api/v1/write
After running all this vmagent started pushing error messages like this with different bytes
warn VictoriaMetrics/app/vmagent/remotewrite.client.go:277
couldn't send a block with size 5508 bytes to "1:secret-url":
Post "http://localhost:8429/api/v1/write": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client;
re-sending the block in 60.000 seconds
Also Garafana couldn't get data from 8429 port.
Did I forget to config some files? Or am I running vmagent wrong? Thanks.
I've figured out that Prometheus doesn't store data
Prometheus does store data and does it very well) The only limitation of Prometheus is that it can't be scaled "horizontally". To overcome this limitation many projects exist: VictoriaMetrics, Thanos, Cortex. VictoriaMetrics can also be used instead of Prometheus - see more details here
Did I forget to config some files? Or am I running vmagent wrong? Thanks.
Actually, yes - you're using it wrong. Vmagent is a stateless service for scraping and forwarding metrics. It does not store metrics. See more about this here
There are two ways you can solve this:
Update: VictoriaMetrics gain Windows support starting from v1.90.