
The DQN model cannot correctly come out the expected scores

I am working on a DQN training model of the game "CartPole-v1". In this model, the system did not remind any error information in the terminal. However, The result evaluation got worse.This is the output data:

episode: 85 score: 18 avarage score: 20.21 epsilon: 0.66
episode: 86 score: 10 avarage score: 20.09 epsilon: 0.66
episode: 87 score: 9 avarage score: 19.97 epsilon: 0.66
episode: 88 score: 14 avarage score: 19.90 epsilon: 0.65
episode: 89 score: 9 avarage score: 19.78 epsilon: 0.65
episode: 90 score: 10 avarage score: 19.67 epsilon: 0.65
episode: 91 score: 14 avarage score: 19.60 epsilon: 0.64
episode: 92 score: 13 avarage score: 19.53 epsilon: 0.64
episode: 93 score: 17 avarage score: 19.51 epsilon: 0.64
episode: 94 score: 10 avarage score: 19.40 epsilon: 0.63
episode: 95 score: 16 avarage score: 19.37 epsilon: 0.63
episode: 96 score: 16 avarage score: 19.33 epsilon: 0.63
episode: 97 score: 10 avarage score: 19.24 epsilon: 0.62
episode: 98 score: 13 avarage score: 19.17 epsilon: 0.62
episode: 99 score: 12 avarage score: 19.10 epsilon: 0.62
episode: 100 score: 11 avarage score: 19.02 epsilon: 0.61
episode: 101 score: 17 avarage score: 19.00 epsilon: 0.61
episode: 102 score: 11 avarage score: 18.92 epsilon: 0.61
episode: 103 score: 9 avarage score: 18.83 epsilon: 0.61

I'll show my code here. Firstly I constructed a neuron network:

import random
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch as th
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import gym
from collections import deque

# construct a neuron network (prepare for step1, step3.2 and 3.3)
class DQN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, s_space, a_space) -> None:

        # inherit from DQN class in pytorch
        super(DQN, self).__init__()
        self.fc1 = nn.Linear(s_space, 360)
        self.fc2 = nn.Linear(360, 360)
        self.fc3 = nn.Linear(360, a_space)

    # DNN operation architecture
    def forward(self, input):
        out = self.fc1(input)
        out = F.relu(out)
        out = self.fc2(out)
        out = F.relu(out)
        out = self.fc3(out)
        return out

Instead of newing an agent class, I directly created the select function, which is used for select the corresponding action according to epsilon, and the back propagation function by gradient globally:

# define the action selection according to epsilon using neuron network (prepare for step3.2)
def select(net, epsilon, env, state):

    # randomly select an action if not greedy
    if(np.random.rand() <= epsilon):
        action = env.action_space.sample()
        return action
    # select the maximum reward action by NN and the given state if greedy
        actions = net(Variable(th.Tensor(state))).detach().numpy()
        action = np.argmax(actions[0])
        return action

This is the back propagation function and the decreasing of epsilon:

# using loss function to improve neuron network (prepare for step3.3)
def backprbgt(net, store, batch_size, gamma, learning_rate):
    # step1: create loss function and Adam optimizer
    loss_F = nn.MSELoss()
    opt = th.optim.Adam(net.parameters(),lr=learning_rate)

    # step2: extract the sample in memory
    materials = random.sample(store, batch_size)

    # step3: Calculate arguments of loss function:

    for t in materials:

        Q_value = net(Variable(th.Tensor(t[0])))

        # step3.1 Calculate tgt_Q_value in terms of greedy:
        reward = t[3]
        if(t[4] == True):
            tgt = reward
            tgt = reward + gamma * np.amax(net(Variable(th.Tensor(t[2]))).detach().numpy()[0])
        # print(tgt)
        # tgt_Q_value = Variable(th.Tensor([[float(tgt)]]), requires_grad=True)

        # print("Q_value:",Q_value)
        Q_value[0][t[1]] = tgt
        tgt_Q_value = Variable(th.Tensor(Q_value))
        # print("tgt:",tgt_Q_value)

        # step3.2 Calculate evlt_Q_value
        # index = th.tensor([[t[1]]])
        # evlt_Q_value = Q_value.gather(1,index)  # gather tgt into the corresponding action
        evlt_Q_value = net(Variable(th.Tensor(t[0])))
        # print("evlt:",evlt_Q_value)

        # step4: backward and optimization
        loss = loss_F(evlt_Q_value, tgt_Q_value)
        # print(loss)

# step5: decrease epsilon for exploitation
def decrease(epsilon, min_epsilon, decrease_rate):
    if(epsilon > min_epsilon):
        epsilon *= decrease_rate

After that, the parameters and training progress are like this:

# training process

# step 1: set parameters and NN
episode = 1500
epsilon = 1.0
min_epsilon = 0.01
dr = 0.995
gamma = 0.9
lr = 0.001
batch_size = 40
memory_store = deque(maxlen=1500)

# step 2: define game category and associated states and actions
env = gym.make("CartPole-v1")
s_space = env.observation_space.shape[0]
a_space = env.action_space.n

net = DQN(s_space, a_space)
score = 0

# step 3: trainning
for e in range(0, episode):

    # step3.1: at the start of each episode, the current result should be refreshed

    # set initial state matrix
    s = env.reset().reshape(-1, s_space)

    # step3.2: iterate the state and action
    for run in range(500):

        # select action and get the next state according to current state "s"
        a = select(net, epsilon, env, s)
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(a)

        next_s = obs.reshape(-1,s_space)
        s = next_s

        score += 1

        if(done == True):
            reward = -10.0
            avs = score / (e+1)
            print("episode:", e+1, "score:", run+1, "avarage score: {:.2f}".format(avs), "epsilon: {:.2}".format(epsilon))

        # safe sample data
        memory_store.append((s, a, next_s, reward, done))

        if(run == 499):
            print("episode:", e+1, "score:", run+1, "avarage score:", avs)

    # step3.3 whenever the episode reach the integer time of batch size, 
    # we should backward to implore the NN
    if(len(memory_store) > batch_size):
        backprbgt(net, memory_store, batch_size, gamma, lr) # here we need a backprbgt function to backward
        if(epsilon > min_epsilon):
            epsilon = epsilon * dr

In the entire progress of training, there was no error or exception reminds. However, instead of the score increasing, the model performed lower score in the later steps. I think the theory of this model is correct but cannot find where the error appears although I tried lots of methods improving my code, including rechecking the input arguments of network, modifing the data structure of two arguments of loss function, etc. I paste my code here and hope to get some help on how to fix it. Thanks!


  • Check out the code. For most parts it's the same as in snippet above, but there is some changes:

    Also for RL it's take a long time to learn anything, so hoping that after 100 episodes it'll be close to even 100 points is somewhat optimistic. For the code in link averaging on 5 runs results in following dynamicsenter image description here

    X axis -- number of episodes (yeah, 70 K, but it's like 20 minutes of real time)

    Y axis -- number of steps in episode

    As can be seen after 70K episodes algorithm achieves reward comparable to highest possible in this environment (highest -- 500). By tweaking hyperparameters faster rate can be achieved, but also remember it's DQN without any modification.