
Scroll View Items Come Over the Navigation Bar in SwiftUI

I made a custom nav bar. and added a scroll view below it. The problem I am getting is when I scroll down, the data inside scroll view comes over the navigation bar. Here is the screenshot:

scroll view image

My code is:

struct NewsfeedView: View {
    var newsfeedModel: [NewsFeedData]
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            CustomNavBar(navTitle: "Newsfeed")
            ScrollView {
                    ForEach(newsfeedModel) { modelData in
                        NewsFeedTableViewCell(newsFedd: modelData)

Does anyone knows what is the issue?


  • If it's undesired then just clip it, like

    ScrollView {
      // .. content here
    .clipped()    // << here !!