
Conditional Tests in Cypress using data-cy attributes as selectors

I see some posts about this exact topic, but none of them using data classes like I am as selectors, so it makes this conditional test a bit harder to write.

The idea is that I have a table with pagination on it. My idea is to check if the [data-cy-pagination-next] has or doesn't have the disabled attribute on it, which would mean there's more than one page and therefore the test can continue.

Most posts I see use a syntax like this:

  .then($button => {
    if ($':enabled')) {

But I don't have the $button like they described. What I would be clicking on is a button, but does that really matter? It doesn't seem like I can write

  .then('[data-cy=pagination-next]' => {
    if ('[data-cy=pagination-next]'.is(':enabled')) {

How can I get this conditional to work? If there is more than one page, this test works great, but in the cases that there is no second page, I just want the test to end there. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!


Here is the test currently

 it('Data Source has Pagination and test functionality', () => {
    // assert that we are at the first page and the start and back button is disabled
    cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 1 of')
    // If there are multiple pages then do the following tests
    // click next button and assert that the current page is page 2
    cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 2 of')
    // click end button and assert that the end and next buttons are disabled
    // click start button button and assert that the current page is page 1 and next and start buttons are disabled
    cy.get('[data-cy=pagination-page-list]').contains('Page 1 of')

enter image description here


  • I think you're misunderstanding how yielding and callbacks work. The reason there is $button in the .then() is because it is yielded by cy.get(). It could be named anything, so long as it is a valid name (note: a string literal, like you are trying to do, is not valid).

    So, $button is just the yielded element from your cy.get('my-button'). Which is why we can then use JQuery functions and Chai assertions on it.

      .then($el => { // naming the yielded object from `cy.get()` to $el
        if ($':enabled')) { // using JQuery function `.is` to check if the element is enabled
          cy.wrap($el).click() // Cypress requires the JQuery element to be wrapped before it can click it.