I use AceEditor in my code. When I try to save my changes, I get this error
Uncaught Error: couldn't load module ace/theme/ or it didn't call define
at afterLoad (ace.js:18798:1)
at ace.js:3776:1
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ace.js:3775:1
at _require (ace.js:88:1)
at req (ace.js:138:1)
at afterLoad (ace.js:3771:1)
at HTMLScriptElement.s.onload.s.onreadystatechange (ace.js:3397:1)
As I understand it, to fix the error, i need to set basepath.However, adding the line this.editor.set('basePath', 'https://unpkg.com/ace-builds@1.4.6/node-modules/react-ace/src')
in the ace.tsx file does not help.
The basePath
is the folder where ace.js is located. for unpkg it would be
ace.config.set('basePath', "https://unpkg.com/ace-builds@1.4.6/src-noconflict")
note that the method is on config object not on editor instance.
Depending on what packager you use there may be better ways to configure this.