
SQL Server - find horizontal occurrences

I am using SQL Server 2008R2 and have tableA that has four columns res_id,res_id2,res_id3,res_id4 numeric. I want to find away to find the occurrences of the same IDs on each row (the met column) excluding 0 or null


golf_id res_id  res_id2 res_id3 res_id4     met     
1579    2068252 2068252 NULL    0           1
1492    2076015 2076015 2076016 2076016     2
1494    2076046 2076046 2076046 2076047     2
1617    2077041 2077042 2077043 2077044     4
1545    2076102 2076102 NULL    NULL        1

Thank you


  • A simple solution would be to unpivot your data, and then COUNT the DISTINCT values. I'm pretty sure this'll work on 2008 R2 (though I don't have access to such an instance, nor have had access to one for the best part of a decade).

    WITH YourTable AS(
        SELECT *
        FROM (VALUES(1579,2068252,2068252,NULL   ,0      ),
                    (1545,2076102,2076102,NULL   ,NULL   ))V(golf_id,res_id,res_id2,res_id3,res_id4))
    SELECT YT.golf_id,
           (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT NULLIF(V.res_id,0))
            FROM (VALUES(res_id),(res_id2),(res_id3),(res_id4))V(res_id)) met
    FROM YourTable YT;