
Web Project not automatically creating virtual folder in IIS7.5

We've got a rather strange problem, we have been debugging the last couple of days, without any result. We just reinstalled a new developer machine for a new colleauge and run into some problems the project type "Web Project" (has project type GUID E24C65DC-7377-472B-9ABA-BC803B73C61A), which doesn't not create a virtual directory in the IIS7.5 on the newly installed machine. It works fine on all the other machines, but for some reason, this feature is not triggered when opening the solution.

Further information:

enter image description here


  • Although not confirmed, but for future readers, I'm pretty sure this has something to do with the user settings file (.suo).

    My colleague deleted the workspace, delete the files, got a new snapshot from TFS - and Presto, the solution created the virtual directory in the IIS7.

    So the solution might simply be deleting the suo file or deleting the workspace.