
How do I generate spinners from an array?

I am trying to create spinners to set the value of Morpher targets, however, num is returning as undefined


mf_mod = $.Morpher -- get selected model
    channels = #{} -- empty bitArray
    for i=1 to 100 do channels[i] = WM3_MC_HasData mf_mod i 
    channels = channels as array
    listNames = for num in channels collect WM3_MC_GetName mf_mod num--get target names
    fn create_spinners = (
        rci = rolloutCreator "myRollout" "My Rollout"
        for num in channels do (
            rci.addControl #spinner listNames[num] listNames[num]
            rci.addHandler rci_name #changed paramStr:"val" codeStr:("WM3_MC_SetValue mf_mod num val") 



  • I can see multiple problems with this piece of code:

        fn create_spinners channelData =
            local rci = rolloutCreator "myRollout" "My Rollout"
            rci.str += "\tlocal mf_mod = modPanel.getCurrentObject()\n\n"
            for item in channelData do
                rci.addControl #spinner ("spn" + item.channel) item.name paramStr:("controller:mf_mod[" + item.channel + "]")
            createDialog (rci.end())
        local mf_mod = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
        if not isKindOf mf_mod Morpher then messageBox "Select morpher modifier" else
            local channelData = for channel = 1 to 100 where WM3_MC_HasData mf_mod channel collect
                dataPair channel:(channel as string) name:(WM3_MC_GetName mf_mod channel)
            create_spinners channelData