I am creating a spatial Index for each shapefile I have and then I import them in a schema and the spatial index is missing. How do I create the spatial Index again in the schema?
layers_fimport = QgsProject.instance().mapLayers().values()
for a in layers_fimport:
for layer in layers_fimport:
con_string = "dbname='xxxx' host='xxxxx' port='xxx' user='xxxx' password='xxxxx' key=id type=POLYLINE table='"+project_name+"'." + mytable + " (geom)"
err = QgsVectorLayerExporter.exportLayer(layer, con_string, 'postgres', QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(2056), False)
So after some research I found a way to use SQL through pyQGIS and I created the spatial indexes.
import psycopg2
# Create a Spatial Index for the tables in the schema
connection = psycopg2.connect (dbname = "xxxx",
user = "xxxxx",
password = "xxxxxx",
host = "xxxxxxxx",
cursor = connection.cursor()
#--No capital letters allowed (schema + tables)
cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX sidx_l_abluft_geom ON test.l_abluft(geom);")
print("Query successful")