
For auditing purpose, need to provide all the patches applied through zypper patch command. How to list all the patches installed in last 3 months

We are using below command to install patches regularly

zypper patch -g security

Now we need to audit all the installed patches in last 3 months. Is there a way to get a list of all installed patches in the system. We are using Suse 12 Sp5. Thanks in advance


  • tux > zypper list-patches --all --cve
    Issue | No. | Patch | Category | Severity | Status
    cve | CVE-2015-0287 | SUSE-SLE-Module.. | recommended | moderate | needed
    cve | CVE-2014-3566 | SUSE-SLE-SERVER.. | recommended | moderate | not needed

    Source is chapter / page 49 of Administration Guide - SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5

    Not sure of this apply to opensuse also.