I tried to do following function with concat map. but i'm not sure what is the correct way for that.
//Req 01
await this.shippingInfoService.getShipmentInfoByCardId(this.data.CardId).then(async (shipmentData) => {
if (shipmentData != undefined) {
if (shipmentData.ShipmentId !== null && shipmentData.ShipmentId !== "") {
//If shipment is assigned
let shipmentId = shipmentData.ShipmentId;
let contract = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(SITE_DETAILS_KEY)).Contract;
let printObj = {
"ShipmentId": Number(shipmentId),
"Contract": contract
//Second Req
await this.orderDetailsService.printBillOfLading(printObj).then(async () => {
await this.orderDetailsService.getBillOfLeadingPdfInfo(shipmentId).then(async (response) => {
if (response.ResultKey === null || response.Id === null) {
const dialogConfig = new MatDialogConfig();
dialogConfig.data = "The information needed to generate a report isn't available.";
dialogConfig.disableClose = true;
this.dialog.open(ErrorDialogComponent, dialogConfig);
//Hide Loading indicator
this.store.dispatch(setLoadingSpinner({showLoading: false}));
} else {
// 3rd Req
let url = await this.orderDetailsService.generateBillOfLadingPdfUrl(response.ResultKey, response.Id);
await window.open(url.url, "_blank");
//Hide Loading indicator
await this.store.dispatch(setLoadingSpinner({showLoading: false}));
} else {
//If shipment is not assigned
//Hide Loading indicator
this.store.dispatch(setLoadingSpinner({showLoading: false}));
const dialogConfig = new MatDialogConfig();
dialogConfig.data = "Shipment needs to be connected";
dialogConfig.disableClose = true;
this.dialog.open(ErrorDialogComponent, dialogConfig);
Need to refactor above code with rxjs operators.
This is a refactoring of your code, altering as little as possible (to a point). I don't think this is the most idiomatic way to write RxJS, but then I also wouldn't write Promises as above either.
I can't test any of this, so this is the shape of an answer, and not an answer unto itself. Maybe it'll get you started...
Best of luck:
//Req 01
filter(shipmentData => shipmentData != undefined),
tap(shipmentData => {
if (shipmentData.ShipmentId !== null && shipmentData.ShipmentId !== "") {
throw "Shipment needs to be connected"
// Second Req because shipment is assigned
concatMap(shipmentData => this.orderDetailsService.printBillOfLading({
"ShipmentId": Number(shipmentData.ShipmentId),
"Contract": JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem(SITE_DETAILS_KEY)).Contract
map(_ => Number(shipmentData.ShipmentId))
concatMap(id => this.orderDetailsService.getBillOfLeadingPdfInfo(id)),
tap(response => {
if ( response.ResultKey === null || response.Id === null) {
throw "The information needed to generate a report isn't available."
// 3rd Req
concatMap(response =>
this.orderDetailsService.generateBillOfLadingPdfUrl(response.ResultKey, response.Id)
// Catch errors thrown above
catchError(error => {
// This isn't really comprehensive error management for obvious reasons.
// I'm assuming the only errors are one of the two strings thrown above.
const dialogConfig = new MatDialogConfig();
dialogConfig.data = error;
dialogConfig.disableClose = true;
this.dialog.open(ErrorDialogComponent, dialogConfig);
// Returning empty means we don't propogate this error
return EMPTY;
// Always finish by Hiding Loading indicator
finalize(() => this.store.dispatch(setLoadingSpinner({showLoading: false})))
url => window.open(url.url, "_blank")