
Supress misra warning with function instead of macro

I want to ask if there is a way to suppress misra warnings using a custom function without having to write \\ Misra Warning Suppression (always the same derivation) everywhere.

I often use throw std::runtime_error("Custom Error") on many places in my code. Unfortunately, I have to do misra warning suppression. So I have to add \\ Misra Warning Suppression after every throw std::runtime_error("Custom Error");. In the code it is like this: throw std::runtime_error("Custom Error"); \\ Misra Warning Suppression. Since I literally have to use it everywhere with the same derivation, I thought about shortening it.

Here, the std::exception can be any error type. So I thought about using macros like this:

  throw TYPE( MESSAGE) // Use Misra Suppression

int main()
    EXCEPTION_MISRA( std::runtime_error, "Custom Error" );
    return 0;

Unfortunately, macros are not really the yellow from the egg for my use case. Is there any way to do the same using functions? Kind of making your own xyz::throw function, where in the function the \\ Misra Warning Suppression is added?

Thank you!


  • I don't use MISRA, but would a template work? Something like

    template<class E> 
    [[ noreturn ]] void exception_misra(const std::string& message)
        throw E(message); // Use Misra Suppression

    called like so:

    exception_misra<std::runtime_error>("Custom Error");