
Azure Devops Apple App Store Release.Missing value for the attribute 'whatsNew'

I have tried to submit it for review and release it automatically to App Store Connect. I used to Apple App Store Release stage from the marketplace. For Testflight upload, the bundle works as well. I tried to test it to release automatically and submit for review but every time failed with the same error You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request The question is can I use to already uploaded Screenshots Descriptions, Copyrights, etc, for now, were manually created for every review but I want to automate it. Also when I click on Skip Binary Upload failed. I can't find proper documentation for Devops Apple App Store Release. Its confused this production track.Many thanks!

Here is my stage screenshot Azure DevOps Release Stage

2022-04-05T09:24:23.3861260Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3862270Z |                                                      deliver 2.205.1 Summary                                                       |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3864990Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3865620Z | force                                        | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3866070Z | precheck_include_in_app_purchases            | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3866560Z | api_key_path                                 | /Users/runner/work/_temp/api_key9Z88UF88N9.json                                     |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3867080Z | app_identifier                               |                                                         |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3867630Z | ipa                                          | /Users/runner/work/r1/a/_bundle_CI/Bundle IPA/Bundle.ipa
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3868130Z | platform                                     | ios                                                                                 |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3868510Z | skip_metadata                                | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3868900Z | skip_screenshots                             | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3869680Z | submit_for_review                            | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3870340Z | automatic_release                            | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3871120Z | submission_information.add_id_info_uses_idfa | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3872330Z | screenshots_path                             | ./screenshots                                                                       |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3873060Z | metadata_path                                | ./metadata                                                                          |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3873660Z | app_version                                  | 1.0.149                                                                             |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3874270Z | edit_live                                    | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3874850Z | use_live_version                             | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3875480Z | skip_binary_upload                           | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3876100Z | skip_app_version_update                      | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3876750Z | overwrite_screenshots                        | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3877360Z | sync_screenshots                             | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3877970Z | reject_if_possible                           | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3878570Z | phased_release                               | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3879170Z | reset_ratings                                | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3879800Z | run_precheck_before_submit                   | true                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3880840Z | precheck_default_rule_level                  | warn                                                                                |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3881510Z | ignore_language_directory_validation         | false                                                                               |
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3882840Z +----------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:24:23.3884330Z [09:24:23]: Making sure the latest version on App Store Connect matches '1.0.149'...
2022-04-05T09:24:23.8417210Z [09:24:23]: Successfully set the version to '1.0.149'
2022-04-05T09:24:23.8517060Z [09:24:23]: Uploading binary to App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:24:24.4047220Z [09:24:24]: Going to upload updated app to App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:24:24.4049510Z [09:24:24]: This might take a few minutes. Please don't interrupt the script.
2022-04-05T09:25:16.7867060Z [09:25:16]: iTunes Transporter successfully finished its job
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1106370Z [09:25:17]: --------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1207620Z [09:25:17]: Successfully uploaded package to App Store Connect. It might take a few minutes until it's visible online.
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1309150Z [09:25:17]: --------------------------------------------------------------------
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1341770Z [09:25:17]: Finished the upload to App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1343890Z [09:25:17]: Running precheck before submitting to review, if you'd like to disable this check you can set run_precheck_before_submit to false
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1345550Z [09:25:17]: Making sure we pass precheck 👮‍♀️ 👮 before we submit  🛫
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1348420Z +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1349340Z |                        Summary for precheck 2.205.1                        |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1350550Z +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1351370Z | default_rule_level       | warn                                            |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1352140Z | include_in_app_purchases | false                                           |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1352840Z | app_identifier           |                      |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1355240Z | api_key_path             | /Users/runner/work/_temp/api_key9Z88UF88N9.json |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1356060Z | platform                 | ios                                             |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1356910Z | use_live                 | false                                           |
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1358240Z +--------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1359670Z [09:25:17]: Creating authorization token for App Store Connect API
2022-04-05T09:25:17.1360480Z [09:25:17]: Checking app for precheck rule violations
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8126800Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No negative  sentiment
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8244610Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No placeholder text
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8340960Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No mentioning  competitors
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8344540Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No future functionality promises
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8355930Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No words indicating test content
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8360450Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No curse words
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8361750Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: No words indicating your IAP is free
2022-04-05T09:25:31.8362970Z [09:25:31]: ✅  Passed: Incorrect, or missing copyright date
2022-04-05T09:25:34.4012700Z [09:25:34]: ✅  Passed: No broken urls
2022-04-05T09:25:34.4042370Z [09:25:34]: precheck 👮‍♀️ 👮  finished without detecting any potential problems 🛫
2022-04-05T09:25:34.6474110Z [09:25:34]: Selecting the latest build...
2022-04-05T09:25:34.7365550Z [09:25:34]: Waiting for processing on... app_id: 1518025447, app_version: 1.0.149, build_version: 89875, platform: IOS
2022-04-05T09:25:34.8516120Z [09:25:34]: Read more information on why this build isn't showing up yet -
2022-04-05T09:25:34.8519170Z [09:25:34]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:25:49.9763660Z [09:25:49]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:05.1568160Z [09:26:05]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:20.2713480Z [09:26:20]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:35.5406640Z [09:26:35]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:26:50.6913440Z [09:26:50]: Waiting for the build to show up in the build list - this may take a few minutes (check your email for processing issues if this continues)
2022-04-05T09:27:08.5349470Z [09:27:08]: Waiting for App Store Connect to finish processing the new build (1.0.149 - 89875) for IOS
2022-04-05T09:35:49.5224800Z [09:35:49]: Successfully finished processing the build 1.0.149 - 89875 for IOS
2022-04-05T09:35:49.5226290Z [09:35:49]: Selecting build 1.0.149 (89875)...
2022-04-05T09:35:50.6884150Z [09:35:50]: Successfully selected build
2022-04-05T09:35:51.0286440Z [09:35:51]: Successfully updated IDFA declarations on App Store Connect
2022-04-05T09:35:55.2298930Z Looking for related GitHub issues on fastlane/fastlane...
2022-04-05T09:35:55.4162970Z /Users/runner/.gem-cache/gems/fastlane-2.205.1/spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/api_client.rb:199:in `handle_response': [!] appStoreVersions with id '8ae9663d-d064-4cd3-ba38-4640068aacb1' is not in valid state. - This resource cannot be reviewed, please check associated errors to see why. (Spaceship::UnexpectedResponse)
2022-04-05T09:35:55.4168360Z The provided entity is missing a required attribute - You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request
tried with Arguments --release_notes --whatsNew release_notes, whatsNew every time same error


  • To resolve this You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request error, try the following ways:

    1. Add skip_metadata: false, because it might be causing Fastlane to skip the release notes.

    2. Provide new content for all languages supported by application in the background of the Apple connection string.

    References: DELIVER (2.150.0.rc3/4) always ask attribute whatsNew and You must provide a value for the attribute 'whatsNew' with this request