I installed Elasticsearch and Kibana on docker. I need to add Filebeat to the workflow, so I followed the official documentation Run filebeat setup
I run this command:
docker run docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:8.1.2 setup -E setup.kibana.host=localhost:5601 -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]
But I got this error :
Exiting: couldn't connect to any of the configured Elasticsearch hosts. Errors: [error connecting to Elasticsearch at Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused]
I'm working with the current version of ELK.
I resolved this problem, first I checked elasticsearch.yml and kibana.yml, I notice that the host address are not localhost,I also inspected both of the containers "KIBANA and ELASTIC" detail's and I found that they are pointing to the same host as yml file.
So run the command with the host adresses from the containers detail's and it worked :
docker run --net elastic -it docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:8.1.2 setup -E setup.kibana.host= -E output.elasticsearch.hosts=[""]