
How to use an npm package component with Vite + Vue?

What would be the steps to add a component to Vite with Vue, as an npm package?

I assumed these:

  1. npm install example
  2. open src/App.vue and add import Example from 'example'
  3. in App.vue, in <template>, add <Example />

Is that correct?

I am trying to install and use vue-select like so, but it's not working: enter image description here

enter image description here


  • Your screenshot shows you're importing vSelect in a <script> block, and expecting it to be automatically registered for the component's template. That would only work in a <script setup> block.

    However, your GitHub repo (which seems to be different from the screenshot you posted) reveals other issues in your code:

    1. You're using Vue 2 code to globally register the v-select component in your Vue 3 app. In Vue 3, global component registration is done from the application instance (i.e., returned from createApp()).
    // main.js
    import VSelect from 'vue-select';
    // Vue.component('v-select', VSelect); ❌ Vue 2 code
    import { createApp } from 'vue'
    import App from './App.vue'
      .component('v-select', VSelect) ✅
    1. You're using @import (CSS syntax) to import your SCSS file in the <script> block. Either move the CSS into a <style lang="scss"> block; or remove the @ prefix, which would create a valid import for <script>.
    <script setup>
    // @import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss'; ❌ The @ prefix is invalid in <script>
    import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss'; ✅
    <!-- OR -->
    <style lang="scss">
    @import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss';
    1. Your project is missing sass, which is required to process SCSS files. You can install it as a dev dependency with:
    $ npm i -D sass

    Here's a demo with the fixes pointed out above.