My project is using SpringMVC, MyBatis, and PostgreSql.
In postgres, I have 2 servers: sv1, sv2.
I imported a table from sv2 into sv1 using:
import foreign schema public limit to (tbl2) from server sv2 into public;
But, when using DBUnit to do testing, I cannot insert data into the foreign table tbl2. The exception is:
ERROR org.dbunit.database.DatabaseDataSet - Table 'tbl2' not found in tableMap=org.dbunit.dataset.OrderedTableNameMap
How can I use foreign table in DBUnit?
You need to configure the DatabaseConfig
databaseConfig.setProperty(PROPERTY_TABLE_TYPE, [array of string with table types]);
databaseConfig.setTableType([array with table types]);
or configure your bean and add property
<property name="tableType">
<array value-type="java.lang.String">
<value>FOREIGN TABLE</value>
You can see the whole map of table types if you go to any of the implementations DatabaseMetadata and look for "TABLE".