I am unable to connect a my Azure SQL Database to Purview. I have already followed the steps described in all the documentation. I keep getting the following error code: Error: (5521) Permission is not sufficient to perform SQL action in database.enter image description here See also the pictures below.
Does anyone happen to have an answer to this, thanks in advance!
Error: (5521) Permission is not sufficient to perform SQL action in database
This error causes because of Azure Connections and Permission issue. Please follow the below steps:
Allow Azure Connection
Enabling Azure connections will allow Microsoft Purview to reach and connect the server without updating the firewall itself.
Go to Database account > select overview page >Select Security > Firewalls and virtual networks > Select Yes for Allow Azure services. You can follow this link.
Assign Key Vault Access Policy
Create a Secret in the Azure Key vault > Assign Access using Key Vault Access Policy > Create Azure Key Vaults connections in your Azure Purview account > Register an Azure SQL Database data source> Create a scan rule by selecting the previously created credentials.
Follow below reference it has detail information:
Troubleshoot your connections in Microsoft Purview - Microsoft Purview | Microsoft Docs