
EJB3 & How JAAS subject/principal is propagated to EJB Tier from servlet container?

I'm trying to understand how the JAAS principal propagates to the Business/EJB tier from web tier.

I've read that the if the roles/realm is configured in login-config & security-context of web.xml then the servlet container will also transparently pass the authenticated principal to the EJB Tier.

Two questions
1.) First & more importantly is that true ? Without any intervention from the developer !
2.) And secondly any idea how that works under the hood.


    1. yes it's true. that's generally the point of ejb, to take the "hard" stuff out of the hands of the developer (e.g. security, transactions, robustness, multithreading, etc.)
    2. it's implementation dependent. i know that in jboss (at least 4.x and before), remote method calls used a custom serialization protocol which had an additional Map of arbitrary information which could be sent along with the request. in this was the auth info as well as other stuff to support clustering. for local method calls i believe they use stuff like ThreadLocals.