I have a 3d (3, 2, 3)
array and first dimension(3) is flexible it can be any size.
arr = np.array(
[[[56, 24, 32],
[56, 24, 32]],
[[51, 27, 72],
[51, 27, 72]],
[[36, 14, 49],
[36, 14, 49]]])
Indexing array is (2,3)
idxs = np.array(
[[1, 0, 2],
[2, 1, 0]])
I wanna index arr by idxs. Expected result is :
[[[24 56 32]
[32 24 56]]
[[27 51 72]
[72 27 51]]
[[14 36 49]
[49 14 36]]])
If i use for loop like below it takes a lot of time :
for i, arr2d in enumerate(arr):
for j, (arr1d, idx) in enumerate(zip(arr2d, idxs)):
arr[i, j] = arr1d[idx]
So my question is : How can i speed up this process ?
Use np.take_along_axis
np.take_along_axis(arr, idxs[None, ...], 2)
array([[[24, 56, 32],
[32, 24, 56]],
[[27, 51, 72],
[72, 27, 51]],
[[14, 36, 49],
[49, 14, 36]]])