How do I add Roles to users in the Cloudant user database?(_users) I have not been able to sort this out using Google or Cloudant Docs. I see some mention of a Cloudant _user db and have not found how to use it.
I have built an API with nodejs and express. with
const { CloudantV1 } = require('@ibm-cloud/cloudant');
const { BasicAuthenticator } = require('ibm-cloud-sdk-core');
I am able to create ApiKeys and assign roles with service.putCloudantSecurityConfiguration().
result of service.getSecurity() below:
cloudant: {
'apikey-01beebbe10ae46ad9e86cc16a2937939': [ '_replicator', '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-3044abd26f324792a8be5809a5521400': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-8d98aa26f1d246f6b736f313bd45d630': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-231cdadcf38945e9ab48125adddc0fdb': [],
'apikey-7ec3ebdd9c5b4aa691685fae251a255d': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-061e3a0ae05d486583dda500ee6685f6': [ '_writer', '_reader' ],
'apikey-0324472243bd4c0da6ea6e9022e102c8': [ '_writer', '_reader' ]
When I look at the service.getSessionInformation(); result, I see:
"result": {
"userCtx": {
"roles": [],
"name": "apikey-01beebbe10ae46ad9e86cc16a2937939"
"ok": true,
"info": {
"authentication_handlers": [
"authenticated": "default",
"authentication_db": "bm-cc-us-south-18/users"
Roles array empty!
I want to use these new apikey credentials with Pouchdb as in:<apikey>:<pass>@<cloudantURL>/<dbname>
).on('complete', function () {
// yay, we're done!
}).on('error', function (err) {
// boo, something went wrong!
I get error:
message: "You are not authorized to access this db."
Thanks for your help.
Glenn's answer is good, for my case there are extra user objects. This was after month of back and forth with Cloudant Help. I needed to delete the extra user objects in the response from "service.getSecurity({"
delete response.result.cloudant['nobody'];
delete response.result['members'];
The only object that I need is the "cloudant"