I'm trying to create a telephone directory and I'm having issues with my insert_beg function. the function's name itself explains what it is supposed to do pretty much. When I create a record using create_pd it works, and then I use the display function and then it displays the created record. Then when I try to use the insert_beg function and type in my number and name. When I try to use the display function it displays garbage values. Thanks beforehand I really appreciate any sort of help.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
struct phonedir
char* name;
char* phonenum;
struct phonedir *next;
struct phonedir *start = NULL;
void display();
struct phonedir *create_pd(struct phonedir *);
struct phonedir *insert_beg(struct phonedir *);
int main ()
int option;
while (option != 4)
printf("\n\n *****MAIN MENU *****");
printf("\n 1: Create a record");
printf("\n 2: Display the records");
printf("\n 3: insert a new record");
printf("\n 4: EXIT");
printf("\n\n Enter your option : ");
scanf("%d", &option);
case 1: start = create_pd(start);
case 2: display(start);
case 3: start = insert_beg (start);
printf("PHONE RECORD ADDED \n");
return 0;
void display()
struct phonedir *ptr;
ptr = start;
if(ptr != NULL)
printf("\t %s\n", &ptr -> phonenum);
printf("\t %s", &ptr -> name);
ptr = ptr -> next;
printf("Please create an entry\n");
struct phonedir *create_pd(struct phonedir *start)
struct phonedir *new_phonedir, *ptr;
new_phonedir = (struct phonedir *)malloc(sizeof(struct phonedir));
new_phonedir->phonenum = (char *)malloc(11*sizeof(char));
new_phonedir->name = (char *)malloc(15*sizeof(char));
printf("Enter the phone number: \n");
scanf("%s", &new_phonedir->phonenum);
printf("Enter name: \n");
scanf("%s", &new_phonedir->name);
if (start == NULL)
new_phonedir->next= NULL;
start = new_phonedir;
ptr = start;
while(ptr->next != NULL)
ptr = ptr->next;
ptr->next = new_phonedir;
new_phonedir->next = NULL;
return start;
struct phonedir *insert_beg(struct phonedir *start)
struct phonedir *new_phonedir;
new_phonedir = (struct phonedir *)malloc(sizeof(struct phonedir));
new_phonedir->phonenum = (char *)malloc(11*sizeof(char));
new_phonedir->name = (char *)malloc(15*sizeof(char));
printf("Enter phone number: \n");
scanf("%s", new_phonedir->phonenum);
printf("Enter name: \n");
scanf("%s", new_phonedir->name);
new_phonedir ->next = start;
start = new_phonedir;
return start;
These calls of scanf
within the function create_pd
are incorrect and invoke undefined behavior
printf("Enter the phone number: \n");
scanf("%s", &new_phonedir->phonenum);
printf("Enter name: \n");
scanf("%s", &new_phonedir->name);
you have to write
printf("Enter the phone number: \n");
scanf("%s", new_phonedir->phonenum);
printf("Enter name: \n");
scanf("%s", new_phonedir->name);
It will be even better to write
printf("Enter the phone number: \n");
scanf("%10s", new_phonedir->phonenum);
printf("Enter name: \n");
scanf("%14s", new_phonedir->name);
Also these calls of printf are incorrect
printf("\t %s\n", &ptr -> phonenum);
printf("\t %s", &ptr -> name);
You have to write
printf("\t %s\n", ptr -> phonenum);
printf("\t %s", ptr -> name);