I am trying to rename bankstatements in MT940-format using the account number and the statement date.
The statements contain the following (example):
:61:2012311231D0000,1NMSCTOPF1234567890SDD TOPF1234567890
:86:FR1234567890ARVAL FRANCE
I have written the following powershell script by combining some examples but it seems quite long for the purpose. Question: Is there a concise way to write this script?
$files = Get-ChildItem "C:\Dropbox\Temp\Gerard\test\*" -Include *.txt, *.ged
for ($i=0; $i -lt $files.Count; $i++)
$filename = $files[$i].FullName
#Rename the file based on strings in the file
$Account = (Get-Content -Raw -Path $fileName)
$Account -match ":25:.+(\d{10})"
$Account = $matches[1]
$StatementDate = (Get-Content -Raw -Path $fileName)
$StatementDate -match ":62F:C(?<content>.*)EUR"
$StatementDate = $matches['content']
$file=Get-Item $filename
Rename-Item -Path $filename -NewName "$StatementDate-$Account$extension"
You could have achieved similar with the below:
$Files = Get-ChildItem '/Users/acc/Downloads/bank/*' -Include '*.txt', '*.ged'
foreach ($File in $Files) {
$Content = Get-Content -Path $File -Raw
$Account = [Regex]::Match($Content, ':25:.+\*{2}(?<Account>\d{10})\*{2}').Groups['Account'].Value
$StatementDate = [Regex]::Match($Content, ':62F:C\*{2}(?<StatementDate>\d+)\*{2}EUR').Groups['StatementDate'].Value
Rename-Item -Path $File -NewName ('{0}-{1}{2}' -f $StatementDate, $Account, $File.Extension)
loop to iterate over objects in a collection, instead of a for
(in-range) loop, you gain some aesthetic benefits like being able to easily access object's properties cleanly in the collection.
Get-Item $filename
to only get its extension, it is simplified by using the foreach
loop and the current iterable is still an object of System.IO.FileSystemInfo.FileInfo
. Therefore we can get its extension by accessing the current iterable $File.extension
where you only needed to do this once for each file.Match()
method of the Regex class is cleaner than using the -match
operator, but this is personal preference.
method so I could pass both regex patterns (split on a pipe |
) in one call, but for some reason, in both groups returned, not both patterns were matched; one group contained a match for 'Account' whereas it did not for 'StatementDate', and vice versa on the other group.