I am trying to override 2 Javascript functions in the Odoo 11 under mail/static/src/js/chat_manager.js
function make_message (data) {
var msg = {
id: data.id,
author_id: data.author_id,
body: data.body || "",
date: moment(time.str_to_datetime(data.date)),
message_type: data.message_type,
subtype_description: data.subtype_description,
is_author: data.author_id && data.author_id[0] === session.partner_id,
is_note: data.is_note,
is_system_notification: (data.message_type === 'notification' && data.model === 'mail.channel')
|| data.info === 'transient_message',
attachment_ids: data.attachment_ids || [],
subject: data.subject,
email_from: data.email_from,
customer_email_status: data.customer_email_status,
customer_email_data: data.customer_email_data,
record_name: data.record_name,
tracking_value_ids: data.tracking_value_ids,
channel_ids: data.channel_ids,
model: data.model,
res_id: data.res_id,
url: session.url("/mail/view?message_id=" + data.id),
_.each(_.keys(emoji_substitutions), function (key) {
var escaped_key = String(key).replace(/([.*+?=^!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
var regexp = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s|<[a-z]*>)(" + escaped_key + ")(?=\\s|$|</[a-z]*>)", "g");
var msg_bak = msg.body;
msg.body = msg.body.replace(regexp, ' <span class="o_mail_emoji">'+emoji_substitutions[key]+'</span> ');
// Idiot-proof limit. If the user had the amazing idea of copy-pasting thousands of emojis,
// the image rendering can lead to memory overflow errors on some browsers (e.g. Chrome).
// Set an arbitrary limit to 200 from which we simply don't replace them (anyway, they are
// already replaced by the unicode counterpart).
if (_.str.count(msg.body, 'o_mail_emoji') > 200) {
msg.body = msg_bak;
function property_descr(channel) {
return {
enumerable: true,
get: function () {
return _.contains(msg.channel_ids, channel);
set: function (bool) {
if (bool) {
add_channel_to_message(msg, channel);
} else {
msg.channel_ids = _.without(msg.channel_ids, channel);
Object.defineProperties(msg, {
is_starred: property_descr("channel_starred"),
is_needaction: property_descr("channel_inbox"),
if (_.contains(data.needaction_partner_ids, session.partner_id)) {
msg.is_needaction = true;
if (_.contains(data.starred_partner_ids, session.partner_id)) {
msg.is_starred = true;
if (msg.model === 'mail.channel') {
var real_channels = _.without(msg.channel_ids, 'channel_inbox', 'channel_starred');
var origin = real_channels.length === 1 ? real_channels[0] : undefined;
var channel = origin && chat_manager.get_channel(origin);
if (channel) {
msg.origin_id = origin;
msg.origin_name = channel.name;
// Compute displayed author name or email
if ((!msg.author_id || !msg.author_id[0]) && msg.email_from) {
msg.mailto = msg.email_from;
} else {
msg.displayed_author = (msg.author_id === ODOOBOT_ID) && "OdooBot" ||
msg.author_id && msg.author_id[1] ||
msg.email_from || _t('Anonymous');
// Don't redirect on author clicked of self-posted or OdooBot messages
msg.author_redirect = !msg.is_author && msg.author_id !== ODOOBOT_ID;
// Compute the avatar_url
if (msg.author_id === ODOOBOT_ID) {
msg.avatar_src = "/mail/static/src/img/odoo_o.png";
} else if (msg.author_id && msg.author_id[0]) {
msg.avatar_src = "/web/image/res.partner/" + msg.author_id[0] + "/image_small";
} else if (msg.message_type === 'email') {
msg.avatar_src = "/mail/static/src/img/email_icon.png";
} else {
msg.avatar_src = "/mail/static/src/img/smiley/avatar.jpg";
// add anchor tags to urls
msg.body = utils.parse_and_transform(msg.body, utils.add_link);
// Compute url of attachments
_.each(msg.attachment_ids, function(a) {
a.url = '/web/content/' + a.id + '?download=true';
// format date to the local only once by message
// can not be done in preprocess, since it alter the original value
if (msg.tracking_value_ids && msg.tracking_value_ids.length) {
_.each(msg.tracking_value_ids, function(f) {
if (f.field_type === 'datetime') {
var format = 'LLL';
if (f.old_value) {
f.old_value = moment.utc(f.old_value).local().format(format);
if (f.new_value) {
f.new_value = moment.utc(f.new_value).local().format(format);
} else if (f.field_type === 'date') {
var format = 'LL';
if (f.old_value) {
f.old_value = moment(f.old_value).local().format(format);
if (f.new_value) {
f.new_value = moment(f.new_value).local().format(format);
return msg;
function on_partner_notification (data) {
if (data.info === "unsubscribe") {
var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(data.id);
if (channel) {
var msg;
if (_.contains(['public', 'private'], channel.type)) {
msg = _.str.sprintf(_t('You unsubscribed from <b>%s</b>.'), _.escape(channel.name));
} else {
msg = _.str.sprintf(_t('You unpinned your conversation with <b>%s</b>.'), _.escape(channel.name));
chat_manager.bus.trigger("unsubscribe_from_channel", data.id);
web_client.do_notify(_t("Unsubscribed"), msg);
} else if (data.type === 'toggle_star') {
} else if (data.type === 'mark_as_read') {
} else if (data.type === 'mark_as_unread') {
} else if (data.info === 'channel_seen') {
} else if (data.info === 'transient_message') {
} else if (data.type === 'activity_updated') {
}else {
But both functions do not belong to a Widget class, so I have no idea how to override them in my custom javascript module? Does anyone have an idea how to override them?
<template id="assets_backend" name="my_custom_module assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
<xpath expr="." position="inside">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/my_custom_module/static/src/js/custom_chat_manager.js" />
odoo.define("my_custom_module.chat_manager", function (require) {
"use strict";
var chatManager = require("mail.chat_manager");
chatManager.on_partner_notification = function (data) {
// custom code comes to here ...
chatManager.make_massage = function (data) {
// custom code comes to here ...
But they do not seem to work !!!!
Thank you in advance
You can see in the chat_manager class that there are two functions that are exposed for extensibility purposes, make_message and make_channel
unlike on_partner_notification
You can't override the on_partner_notification
function, you can only modify the module exports object.