
Change column name with tq_get() in Tidyquant

I'm using the tq_get() function in Tidyquant to retrieve economic data from FRED:


consumer_price_index <- 'CPIAUCSL'

start_date <- as.Date('2022-01-01')
end_date <- as.Date('2022-03-31')

cpi <- tq_get(consumer_price_index,
               from = start_date,
               to = end_date,
               get = 'economic.data')


# A tibble: 3 x 3
  symbol   date       price
  <chr>    <date>     <dbl>
1 CPIAUCSL 2022-01-01  282.
2 CPIAUCSL 2022-02-01  284.
3 CPIAUCSL 2022-03-01  288.

How do I change the name of the price column to cpi?

The desired tibble would look as follows:

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  symbol   date        cpi
  <chr>    <date>     <dbl>
1 CPIAUCSL 2022-01-01  282.
2 CPIAUCSL 2022-02-01  284.
3 CPIAUCSL 2022-03-01  288.



  • You may use rename from dplyr

    cpi <- tq_get(consumer_price_index,
                  from = start_date,
                  to = end_date,
                  get = 'economic.data') %>% 
      rename(cpi = price)
    # A tibble: 3 × 3
      symbol   date         cpi
      <chr>    <date>     <dbl>
    1 CPIAUCSL 2022-01-01  282.
    2 CPIAUCSL 2022-02-01  284.
    3 CPIAUCSL 2022-03-01  288.

    Or just use colnames from base

    colnames(cpi)<- c("symbol", "date", "cpi")