
When I paste text to a NSTextView, how to paste plain text only?

When I paste text to a NSTextView, I wish I can paste plain text only. All the rich text formats should be removed, include: font, color, link, and paragraph style. All the text pasted should be displayed with the default font and style of the text view. NSTextView accepts rich text by default, how to disable it?


  • Define a custom NSTextView class with following method:

    - (NSArray *)readablePasteboardTypes {
        return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSStringPboardType, 

    Note: As of Mac OS X the new typedef for the pasteboard type is given as NSPasteboardTypeString instead of NSStringPBoardType:

    - (NSArray *)readablePasteboardTypes {
        return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSPasteboardTypeString,