I have the following reducer.ts
export const FORM_ID = 'doctransForm';
export interface FormValue {
erstellt: string;
export const INITIAL_STATE = createFormGroupState<FormValue>(FORM_ID, {
erstellt: ''
export interface State {
entities: DoctransEntity[];
errorMessage: string;
loading: DataState;
formState: FormGroupState<FormValue>;
export const doctransInitialState: State = {
entities: [],
errorMessage: null,
loading: DataState.LOADED_STATE,
const _doctransReducer = createReducer(
on(formValueChange, (state, { type, ...update }) => ({ ...state, ...update })),
on(DoctransActions.resetForm, (state, action) => ({ ...state, formState: INITIAL_STATE })),
on(DoctransActions.setErstellt, (state, action) => ({ ...state, formState: { ...state.formState, value: { ...state.formState.value, erstellt: action.erstellt} }})),
export function doctransReducer(state: State, action: Action) {
return _doctransReducer(state, action);
An input-field in html:
<input [ngrxFormControlState]="doctransFormState.controls.erstellt">
Now i just want to simply change the value programmatically.
I tried the following:
this.store.dispatch(setErstellt({erstellt: 'lala test'}));
const control = createFormControlState<string>('doctransFormState.controls.erstellt', '');
const updatedControl = setValue('new Value1')(control);
const updatedControlUncurried = setValue(control, 'newValue2');
const updatedControlViaAction = formStateReducer(control, new SetValueAction(control.id, 'newValue3'));
But nothing works. It seems i dont understand how to use the setValue from here: https://ngrx-forms.readthedocs.io/en/master/user-guide/updating-the-state/#setting-the-value
Can anyone help out?
Finally. Got it:
this.store.dispatch(new SetValueAction('doctransForm.erstellt', 'newValue3'));