
AWS opensearch: Cannot update advanced option `override_main_response_version`

I have an AWS opensearch with vanilla settings. I needed to change the advanced options to enable override_main_response_version=true so that filebeat could work. But whichever way I try, it just does not work. Any workarounds?

Method 1: terraform:

resource "aws_elasticsearch_domain" "this" {
  advanced_options = {
    "override_main_response_version" = "true"

This results in

Unrecognized advanced option 'override_main_response_version' passed in advancedOptions

Method 2: awscliv2

aws opensearch update-domain-config --advanced-options 'override_main_response_version=true' --domain-name whatever

which results in:

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateDomainConfig operation: Unrecognized advanced option 'override_main_response_version' passed in advancedOptions.

I don't see any way on the AWS console to change this option. Please help!


  • This option can be enabled from opensearch's dev tools:

    PUT /_cluster/settings
    "persistent" : {
    "compatibility.override_main_response_version" : true