I have a data factory that will be sharing IR set up and resource ID is ready and permission to ADF is granted. I am trying to automate IR set up on the second data factory that will be receiving the integration runtime as linked integration runtime from the adf with shared runtime. I am trying to set this up using bicep, but I am having trouble understanding some of the properties in the documentation. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/templates/microsoft.datafactory/factories/integrationruntimes?tabs=bicep#credentialreference
is it possible to automate creating a linked integration runtime for a data factory?
You can only automate self-hosted Integration Runtime setup on an Azure virtual machine by creating a Self-host IR template
What are examples of SecureString, CredentialReference, Key for the linkedintegrationruntime object?
SecureString: The value of string will be hidden with asterisks ' * ' during Get or List API calls, eg. password="**********".
CredentialReference: The reference to the authentication information for Integration Runtime.
Key: It is an integration runtime authentication keys in the form of secure string.