
Bold Text in Dialog Box - DXL

I'm trying to make an program in DXL whos asks the user some data. For this reason, I would like show the instruction to user with an Dialog Box. How can I do put a bold strings in the Dialog Box? (I'm new in this language).

Although the question is already answered, I update the question so that future readers can understand it better:

I know how dialog boxes are created and displayed in DXL, as follows:

DB dialog = create("My DB box.", styleCentered | styleFixed);
label(dialog, "ALL");
show dialogue

But what I want to do is add bold text inside it.


  • This depends on where you need the bold text. As far as I know it is e.g. not possible to make a label of a field bold, but you could perhaps create a DBE of type richField (or richText) on your dialog box and fill it with richtext, like in

    void doSomething (DBE x) {ack "boo!"}
    DB dialog = create("hi there")
    richField (dialog, "", "Remember to {\\b save your module} before calling this function", 60, true)
    button (dialog, "Do something", doSomething)
    show dialog

    For more complex texts you might want to look at drawing text on a DBE canvas