I'm trying to convert the seconds in my list of dictionaries into hours using the DateTime package from python. Eg.g instead of 'Duration': 745200 (seconds) I want 'Duration': 207:00:00 (hours:minutes:seconds). Could someone help me with how to achieve this? Thank you!
id_duration =
[{'Id': 44, 'Duration': 745200},
{'Id': 45, 'Duration': 259200},
{'Id': 58, 'Duration': 21600},
{'Id': 61, 'Duration': 597600}]
First of all start by importing the package
import datetime
Then let's define a function for that, using datetime.timedelta
def convert_duration(duration_list):
for i in duration_list:
i['Duration'] = datetime.timedelta(seconds=i['Duration'])
i['Duration'] = i['Duration'].total_seconds()
i['Duration'] = i['Duration'] / 3600
return duration_list
Now let's test using the example you give
id_duration = [{'Id': 44, 'Duration': 745200}, {'Id': 45, 'Duration': 259200}, {'Id': 58, 'Duration': 21600}, {'Id': 61, 'Duration': 597600}]
[Out]: [{'Id': 44, 'Duration': 207.0}, {'Id': 45, 'Duration': 72.0}, {'Id': 58, 'Duration': 6.0}, {'Id': 61, 'Duration': 166.0}]