
Extending Prism IContainerRegistry to register by name specifying constructor

I'm trying to migrate a Prism WPF application whitch is using Unity IoC container to use DryIoC container.

In a module I have the Unity container injected to register a class specifying the constructor.

unityContainer.RegisterType<IService, Service>(
    new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(),

I wanted to migrate this type of registers to use IContainerRegistry methods to register. I've seen that IContainerRegistry interface provides methods to regiser using Factory method whitch I can use to specify constructor, but there is no method with factory method as parameter and named register also.

Does anybody have the same problem? Maybe extending the IContainerRegistry implementation?


  • You can just skip IContainerRegistry and call the GetContainer extension method and use the actual container.

    containerRegistry.GetContainer().RegisterDelegate<IDependency1, IDependency2, IService>( (a, b) => new Service(a,b), serviceKey: typeof(Service).FullName, reuse: Reuse.Singleton );

    IContainerRegistry is just a thin wrapper around the container without any defined behavior of its own. For anything but the most trivial registrations, you have to go to the container anyway.