
Liquibase insert select where not exists

I want to insert into table1 multiple rows from table2. The problem is that I have a field of same name in table2 and table1 and I don't want to insert data if there's already a record with same value in this field. Now I have something like this:

insert into table1 (id, sameField, constantField, superFied)
select gen_random_uuid(), "sameField", 'constant', "anotherField"
from table2;

And I assume I need to do something like this:

insert into table1 (id, sameField, constantField, superFied)
select gen_random_uuid(), "sameField", 'constant', "anotherField"
from table2
where not exists ... ? 

What I need to write instead of ? if I want this logic: check if there's already same value in sameField in table1 when selecting sameField from table2? DBMS is Postgres.


  • You can use a sub-query to see whether the record exists. You will need to define the column(s) which should be unique.

    create table table2(
    id varchar(100),
    sameField varchar(25),
    constant varchar(25),
    superField varchar(25)
    insert into table2 values 

    2 rows affected

    create table table1(
    id varchar(100),
    sameField varchar(25),
    constant varchar(25),
    superField varchar(25)
    insert into table1 values

    1 rows affected

    insert into table1 (id, sameField, constant, superField)
    select uuid_in(md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)::cstring),
      t2.sameField, 'constant', t2.superField
    from table2 t2
    where sameField not in (select sameField from table1) 

    1 rows affected

    select * from table1;
    select * from table2;
    id                                   | samefield | constant  | superfield
    :----------------------------------- | :-------- | :-------- | :---------
    4cf10b1c-7a3f-4323-9a16-cce681fcd6d8 | same1     | constant1 | super1    
    d8cf27a0-3f55-da50-c274-c4a76c697b84 | same2     | constant  | super2    
    id                                   | samefield | constant  | superfield
    :----------------------------------- | :-------- | :-------- | :---------
    c8a83804-9f0b-4d97-8049-51c2c8c54665 | same1     | constant1 | super1    
    3a9cf8b5-8488-4278-a06a-fd75fa74e206 | same2     | constant2 | super2    

    db<>fiddle here