
Release [] in namespace [] already exists but is not managed by the current context. Applying changes will likely cause conflicts

Is there any way to manage existing helm releases with helmsman which are deployed using helm ? Consider we have a release which is deployed with below command:

helm install my-release repo/chart

Now we want update my-release using helmsman without deleting existing release. Is it possible?


  • I had a similar issue and the solution was to set the context via helmsman first and then the apply worked, no need to delete the existing release.

    For example:

    1. This will set the release context for whatever the value of the property context is in the app.yaml file
    $ cat app.yaml
    contex: foo
    $helmsman -f app.yaml --migrate-context
    1. after this the context will be set to foo in the helm release and you can use helmsman again