
ChartJs: How to pan programmatically by time values (instead of pixels)

I'm using chartJs 3.6.1; and chartjs-plugin-zoom 1.2.1 (but I think it's not really matter :)) I have 2 timeseries line chart, and when I panning one chart via drag&drop, I want to move/pan the other graph as well!

For that I enabled zoom/pan for graphA - graphA.zoom.pan.enabled=true, and it has the onPanComplete function which when I want to run the panning for graphB. Have no problem with zoom - it has graphA.getZoomLevel() function; so that I can use graphB.zoom(graphA.getZoomLevel()). * But what is the case with panning? Edit: *No, it's not good. It's use different scale, some kind of exponencial... like... 1.0 mean 1.0, but 1.5x mean ~1.7x zoom, 1.98x mean 50x zoom, and 2x mean infinite (which is 80.000x zoom)

So far, I can get the visible area: chart.scales.xAxes.min (...and max) - but it gives back time values that is currently visible! The pan() function waiting for pixels: graphB.pan(100, undefined, undefined), and also it just an offset from the current position, not an absolute position set. Can I say somehow "move the graph left by 1 minute"? I saw some kind of "scale" setting, but I don't understand how it works... Or the best could be to say: "move the graph to start with 2022.03.01 12:00:00"! Or.. for a workaround, I can calculate the pixels, but for that I need to know the width of the chart data, but it's a big "canvas" and can't get it.


  • I found the solution after all! Yeah :))

    You can zoom by adding the min and max value! No need for pixels at all! Use zoomScale method! zoomScale(graphB, 'xAxes', {min: graphA.scales.xAxes.min, max: graphA.scales.xAxes.max}, 'none'); (The scale is 'xAxes' for me, I don't know why the examples on offical pages says a simple 'x')