I'm trying to centralize all Laravel logs using Telegraf and visualize them with Grafana. For now I can store logs with the following format:
[2022-03-31 12:08:50] dev.INFO: microservice_name | default | Update User | 32 | mail@mail.com | Center Name | {"idMember":21212,"card":"00000000D","name":"PAUL","surname_1":"SURNAME1","email":"mail@mail.com"}
I'm using this grok pattern to parse it:
name_override = "influxDb_users_log"
grok_patterns = ["%{CUSTOM_LOG}"]
grok_custom_patterns = '''
CUSTOM_LOG \[%{MAGICDATE:date}\] %{DATA:env}\.%{DATA:severity}: %{DATA:microservice} \| %{DATA:client} \| %{DATA:message} \| %{DATA:id_member} \| %{DATA:email} \| %{DATA:club} \| %{GREEDYDATA:user_row}
Then I make this Flux Query
from(bucket: "bucket")
|> range(start: 2018-05-22T23:30:00Z, stop: 2023-05-23T00:00:00Z)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "influxDb_users_log")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "client" or r["_field"] == "club" or r["_field"] == "env" or r["_field"] == "email" or r["_field"] == "date" or r["_field"] == "microservice" or r["_field"] == "user_row" or r["_field"] == "severity" or r["_field"] == "message" or r["_field"] == "id_member")
Some results appear but I will not obtain a table similar to what I would expect doing a SQL Query where each line of the log would be parsed in its column and shown in one line. instead I'm obtaining this.
When later I want to obtain queries using the PHP library I obtain results in a strange format like this:
$logs = $queryApi->queryRaw(
|> range(start: -100h)');
Am I doing something wrong? Am I storing incorrectly the values? Thanks!
To get a table with all fields (client
, message
etc) in one row, use schema.fieldsAsCols(). InfluxDB 2.x stores fields in separate tables. This function is a convenience function for pivot() used to organize values column-wise, like a response from SQL query.
returns unprocessed response ie. Flux annotated CSV, so you probably want to use query
to get a table of records. Please see Queries documentation.