
Are nested groups supported?

Are nested groups supported in Azure B2C?

This page suggests there is some support, because it links to

If there are restrictions on them then I assume they are at least partially supported. Unfortunately that page no longer exists.

I couldn't find any information in MSFT docs about the status of this feature.

I've tried their User Voice, but the only thing I found is an entry about plain "Azure AD" (I thought that is supported already, but it appears it's not if there is an open request about it)

FWIW I cannot add a nested group in the way that's suggested by MSFT documentation. I don't see that option in the UI, though it lists "0 groups" as members. enter image description here

Trying to add a group to another group via Graph API results in

{"error":{"code":"Request_BadRequest","message":"An invalid operation was included in the following modified references: 'members'.","innerError":{"date":"2022-04-20T15:32:34","request-id":"7d183819-019a-4f23-b31f-1765dcd7d44a","client-request-id":"7d183819-019a-4f23-b31f-1765dcd7d44a"}}}


  • After wrangling with MSFT support I got an answer that nested groups are not supported in B2C enabled tenants.

    This can be done in Azure AD and not on the B2C AD. Adding a group as a member of another group in Azure AD B2C is not supported.