
Bouncy Castle Configuration for TLS

I am using a test app that used java for TLS communication. Standard Oracle java is installed in my system.

I need to use the TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM cipher suite, which is not supported by standard Java, so many suggested using Bouncy Castle. I downloaded and copied the bcprov-ext-jdk18on-171.jar to $JAVA_HOME/lib folder. Also, updated file to include Bouncy Castle in the provider list as below:


I still cannot get TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CCM to work though.

Are the steps I did sufficient and correct? Can someone suggest the steps to install and configure Bouncy Castle?


  • The BouncyCastleProvider adds cryptographic algorithms such as the AES in the CCM mode of operation to the available algorithms of Cipher and other classes. As CCM is not included by default in Java, you will need to register this provider through code (i.e. Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider)) or adding it into the file (as demonstrated in the question). You will probably want to add it to the end of the provider list as the algorithms of the Oracle provider are generally better tested and may be sped up using hardware acceleration.

    However, the BouncyCastleProvider does not contain an implementation of the TLS protocol. You'd need to register the BouncyCastleJsseProvider for that instead. This is required as the Java TLS implementation won't magically know how to use the CCM implementation within Bouncy Castle. JSSE is an acronym of the Java Secure Socket Extension.

    You can add that provider at the start of the providers so you know for sure that this provider is used for implementing TLS:

    Security.insertProviderAt(new org.bouncycastle.jsse.provider.BouncyCastleJsseProvider(), 1);

    And you can also directly register it in the file.

    Note that the JSSE provider doesn't provide implementations such as RSA or AES for Cipher or Signature so it should not be in the way.

    To add the two providers the bctls-jdk18on.jar, bcprov-jdk18on and probably bcutil-jdk18on.jar (see the comment of Amal below) need to be in the class- or module-path. These are of course also present as artifacts in many Maven repositories.