
convert dynamic key fields in JSON

here is my JSON structure, there are N records that has a name as ID to represent a children

  , .......

in the data type in Haskell

data Kid = Kid { name::String, age::Int}

instance FromJSON Kid where
  parseJSON (Object v) =

question is ,how to make the key ( name ) as part of the constructor ? the expected output signature is like:

decode "input json string" -> [Kid]

when the expect decode function was called, it will return a list of type Kid. Thanks for reading this & appreciate any help .


  • By using the withObject function, you get access to an Object which is actually a KeyMap which you can manipulate much like the usual Map from e.g. containers. If you're on an older aeson version, Object will instead be a HashMap, so you can use that as well.

    EDIT: I remember that Map itself also has a FromJSON, so you can probably use that instead for a shorter "solution":

    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), withObject, (.:), fromJSON)
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    data Kid = MkKid {name :: String, age :: Int}
    newtype Kids = MkKids {unKids :: [Kid]}
    instance FromJSON Kids where
      parseJSON = withObject "Kids" $ \o -> do
        kvmap <- o .: "Kids"
        pure $ MkKids $ map (uncurry MkKid) $ Map.toList kvmap

    Old "solution", which manipulates they KeyMap

    {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
    import Data.Aeson.Key (Key)
    import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Key
    import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
    import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser, Object, Value)
    import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), withObject, (.:), fromJSON)
    data Kid = MkKid {name :: String, age :: Int}
    newtype Kids = MkKids {unKids :: [Kid]}
    instance FromJSON Kids where
      parseJSON = withObject "Kids" $ \o -> do
        inner <- o .: "Kids"
        withObject "inner" parseKids inner
          parseKids :: Object -> Parser Kids
          parseKids obj =
            fmap MkKids $ traverse toKid $ KeyMap.toList obj
          toKid :: (Key, Value) -> Parser Kid
          toKid (k, v) = do
            age <- parseJSON v
            let name = Key.toString k
            pure $ MkKid {name, age}