
TypeScript complains about unnecessary assertion

I am using TypeScript 4.6.4 and given is the following function:

function foo(element: HTMLInputElement): void {
    const inputElement: HTMLInputElement = element.firstChild as HTMLInputElement;

The error says:

This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression.eslint@typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion

The property firstChild is of type ChildNode, can anyone help me understand why a cast to HTMLInputElement is unnecessary here? If I remove it, it complains that ChildNode cannnot be assigned to HTMLInputElement.


  • It is typescript-eslint that is complaining, not the Typescript compiler. If you try to run your code In the typescript playground, you'll see that it compiles without error.

    The error is raised by typescript-eslint because it reads const inputElement: HTMLInputElement indicating that inputElement is of type HTMLInputElement. Therefore, typescript-eslint is correct in saying that asserting as HTMLInputElement doesn't change the type of inputElement, which is already HTMLInpuElement

    However, you're also correct that const inputElement: HTMLInputElement = element.firstChild will raise a compiler error as firstChild is indeed of type ChildNode.

    What you can do to get rid of the warning is const inputElement = element.firstChild as HTMLInputElement. This will compile correctly and get rid of the redundant typing. inputElement will be of type HTMLInputElement.