Let say I have :
:- category(multi).
:- public([set/2, set/3]).
%% set(r,c,v).
set([],_). %% multi-ix/value set
set([[Row, Col]|RCs], Value) :- \+ is_list(Value), set(Row, Col, Value), set(RCs, Value).
set([[Row, Col]|RCs], [V|Vs]) :- set(Row, Col, V), set(RCs, Vs).
:- end_category.
* Declared static predicate called but not defined: set/3
set/3 is provided by the Object... how to make it works..?
Simply call the set/3
predicate in self (i.e. in the context of the object that receives the set/2
:- category(multi).
:- public([set/2, set/3]).
%% set(r,c,v).
set([],_). %% multi-ix/value set
set([[Row, Col]|RCs], Value) :- \+ is_list(Value), ::set(Row, Col, Value), set(RCs, Value).
set([[Row, Col]|RCs], [V|Vs]) :- ::set(Row, Col, V), set(RCs, Vs).
:- end_category.
Assuming, for example, the following object importing the category:
:- object(proto,
set(1, 1, 42).
:- end_object.
You can then use queries such as:
?- proto::set([[1,1]], V).
V = 42 ;
V = [42|_].
P.S. The is_list/1
predicate is not a standard built-in predicate. But the same functionality is available from the list
library object. For example, after loading basic_types(loader)
, you can use in the category:
:- uses(list, [valid/1 as is_list/1]).
Or, in alternative, use the type
object provided by the same library:
:- uses(type, [valid(list,Term) as is_list(Term)]).