
Run a Concourse build step only when an output of a prior task changes

Given an input, I have a cheap function and an expensive function; each of these is modeled as a Concourse task.

If two invocations of the cheap function have the same output, I know that two invocations of the expensive function will likewise have the same output.

How can I set up a pipeline that only runs the expensive function when the result of the cheap function changes?

For the sake of an example, let's say that the cheap function strips comments and whitespace from a codebase and then calculates a checksum; whereas the expensive function actually runs the code contained. My goal, in this scenario, is to not bother building any revision that differs from the prior one only in comments or whitespace.

I've considered using a git resource and (in our example) storing a hash of preprocessor output for each compilation target in a different file, so the task doing actual compilation (and applicable unit tests) can trigger on changes to the file with hash of the inputs that went into building that file. Having a separate git resource that maintains historical hashes indefinitely seems like overkill, though. Is there a better approach?

This is similar to Have Concourse only build new docker containers on file diff not on commit, but I'm trying to test whether the result of running a function against a file changes, to trigger only on changes that could modify build results rather than all possible changes. (The proposal described above, creating an intermediary repo with outputs from the cheap function, would effectively be using the answers to that question as one of its components; but I'm hoping there's an option with fewer moving parts).


  • Consider using put nested in the try: modifier:

    conditional trigger

    The cheap job takes two inputs:

    On every commit to code-repo, the cheap job reads the last-hash input, mapped from hash and compares it to the computation result (in the silly example below, the contents of hash.txt checked into the root of code-repo).

    If it determines that the hash value from incoming commit differs from the previously recorded hash value, it populates the put param hash/hash.txt with the new hash value, which results in a new put to the resource which in turn will trigger the expensive job.

    If no change is detected, the put attempt will fail because the put param will not exist, but the overall cheap job will succeed.

      - name: code-repo
        type: git
          branch: master
          private_key: ((key))
      - name: hash
        type: s3
          access_key_id: ((aws_access))
          secret_access_key: ((aws_secret))
          region_name: ((aws_region))
          bucket: my-versioned-aws-bucket
          versioned_file: hash/hash.txt
      - name: cheap
        - get: code-repo
          trigger: true
        - get: hash
        - task: check
            last-hash: hash
            platform: linux
              type: docker-image
              source: { repository: alpine }
              - name: code-repo
              - name: last-hash
              - name: hash
              path: /bin/sh
              - -c
              - |
                LAST="$(cat last-hash/hash.txt)"
                NEW=$(cat code-repo/hash.txt)
                if [ "$LAST" != "$NEW" ]; then
                  cp code-repo/hash.txt hash/hash.txt
              put: hash
                file: hash/hash.txt
      - name: expensive
        - get: hash
          trigger: true
          passed: [ cheap ]

    Note: you must populate the initial state file in s3 with some value, or the cheap job won't take off.