
Harvesting hebrew names from a group of websites

I have the following website (hebrew): http://www.daydeals.co.il/

It contains many links to external websites. I want to write a jQuery script that will 1) open all the links 2) collect the elements from all the open websites that contains the text "someText" 3) return a collection of all the elements from (2)

Could someone please guid me how to do this?

another question: I tried to use the follwing jq selector: alert($("div:contains('אביב')").text());

however when I browse this in any browser the hebrew turns to gibrish. Any way to over come this?

Thanks in advance


  • Due to cross-site scripting restrictions, the browser will not let you access a page on another domain via JavaScript. You will not be able to read from or collect data from an external website. You can do this with a server-side scripting like PHP, Perl or Java.

    Do you have the Hebrew language version of the browser installed?