
How to re-init the AlpineJS component after Livewire re-renders?

I have an alert component that I hide using AlpineJS but I want it to be visible again after Livewire re-renders.

Showing the alert using Livewire component

    <x-success-alert :message="Session::get('success')" />

AlpineJS component

<div x-data="{show: true}">
    <div x-show="show">
        <span>{{ $message }}</span>
        <button @click="show = false">&times;</button>


  • The solution is to force Livewire to add that element in the dom again by adding wire:key to a random value.

    <div wire:key="{{ rand() }}">
        <div x-data="{show: true}">
            <div x-show="show">
                <span>{{ $message }}</span>
                <button @click="show = false">&times;</button>

    With that way, Livewire will destroy the old dom element and add the new one which re-init the Alpine component.