I have a column (vendor_name) in Postgresql (AWS RDS) table which can contain alphanumeric values. I would like to do a natural sort on this column.
The sample data in the table is as follows
delta 20221120
delta 20220109
costco delivery 564
costco delivery 561
united 01672519702943
I have created a colllate in the db as below.
CREATE COLLATION IF NOT EXISTS numerickn (provider = icu, locale = 'en-u-kn-true')
If anyone sorts on the vendor name column in the UI grid, I am adding the following clause dynamically in my query.
ORDER BY "vendor" COLLATE "numerickn"
However, it gives the following error, though I see collation exists in DB.
Error: Query failed: collation "numerickn" for encoding "UTF8" does not exist
I am not sure why it does not work if collate exists in the DB. In my vendor name, numeric can appear anywhere within the string, so there is no pattern.
I could not find why it was not working in the stage environment while in my local it was working.
In the end, I moved away from colation logic and implement the natural sort in a different way found in stack overflow only.
PostgreSQL ORDER BY issue - natural sort
I am using Nodejs in my api code. My solution goes as follows
qOrderBy = String.raw` ORDER BY ARRAY(
CAST(COALESCE(NULLIF(match[1], ''), '9223372036854775807') AS BIGINT),
FROM REGEXP_MATCHES(vendor, '(\d*)|(\D*)', 'g')
AS match ) ${sortOrder}`