
trace a nested recursion in Ocaml

I am trying to understand deeply nested recursion in OCaml by using the sorting list algorithm. For this reason I am tracing the below code which has a recursive function sort and calls another function insert.

let rec sort (lst : int list) =
  match lst with [] -> [] | head :: tail -> insert head (sort tail)

and insert elt lst =
  match lst with
  | [] -> [ elt ]
  | head :: tail -> if elt <= head then elt :: lst else head :: insert elt tail

I understand the first recursive calls for sort, but after that I cannot follow.

For instance, suppose we have the list [6, 2, 5, 3]. After sorting the tail of this list as 2,3,5 where in the code the head 6 is compared to each element of this tail? Can somebody provide a hint for the trace results?

utop # sort [6; 2; 5; 3];;        
> sort <-- [6; 2; 5; 3]                                                 
> sort <-- [2; 5; 3]                                                    
> sort <-- [5; 3]                                                       
> sort <-- [3]                                                          
> sort <-- []                                                           
> sort --> []                                                           
> insert <-- 3                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- []                                                        
> insert* --> [3]                                                       
> sort --> [3]                                                          
> insert <-- 5                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- [3]                                                       
> insert <-- 5                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- []                                                        
> insert* --> [5]                                                       
> insert* --> [3; 5]                                                    
> sort --> [3; 5]                                                       
> insert <-- 2                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- [3; 5]                                                    
> insert* --> [2; 3; 5]                                                 
> sort --> [2; 3; 5]                                                    
> insert <-- 6                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- [2; 3; 5]                                                 
> insert <-- 6                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- [3; 5]                                                    
> insert <-- 6                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- [5]                                                       
> insert <-- 6                                                          
> insert -->                                                            
> insert* <-- []                                                        
> insert* --> [6]                                                       
> insert* --> [5; 6]                                                    
> insert* --> [3; 5; 6]                                                 
> insert* --> [2; 3; 5; 6]                                              
> sort --> [2; 3; 5; 6]                                                 
> - : int list = [2; 3; 5; 6]**


  • First of all, there's no reason to have insert and sort being mutually recursive since insert doesn't depend on sort. So you could write it like this:

    let rec insert elt lst =
      match lst with
      | [] -> [ elt ]
      | head :: tail -> if elt <= head then elt :: lst else head :: insert elt tail
    let rec sort (lst : int list) =
      match lst with [] -> [] | head :: tail -> insert head (sort tail)

    Now, what happens in insert? The function tries to insert an element elt in a sorted list with the invariant that all elements before it should be smaller and all the elements after should be higher.

    Two cases happen:

    Now, when you call sort you call it like this:

    insert head (sort tail)

    Why so? Because the invariant only works if the list you're trying to insert head into is sorted (hence the bold sorted before). So you need to sort tail before inserting head into it.

    If you have the following list: [3; 2; 1], you'll call

    insert 3 (sort [2; 1])

    which is transformed in

    insert 3 (insert 2 (sort [1]))

    which is transformed in

    insert 3 (insert 2 (insert 1 (sort [])))

    which is resolved in

    insert 3 (insert 2 [1])

    which is resolved in

    insert 3 [1; 2]

    which is resolved in

    [1; 2; 3]

    And your list is sorted.


    Here's the code with some printing to see what's happening:

    let pp_sep ppf () = Format.fprintf ppf "; "
    let rec insert elt lst =
      Format.printf "@[<v 2>(Insert %d in [%a]" elt
        Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep (fun ppf d -> fprintf ppf "%d" d))
      let l =
        match lst with
        | [] -> [ elt ]
        | head :: tail ->
            if elt <= head then elt :: lst
            else (
              Format.printf "@,";
              head :: insert elt tail)
      Format.printf ")@]";
    let rec sort (lst : int list) =
      match lst with
      | [] -> []
      | head :: tail ->
          Format.printf "@[<v 2>(Sort [%a] then insert %d@,"
            Format.(pp_print_list ~pp_sep (fun ppf d -> fprintf ppf "%d" d))
            tail head;
          let l = insert head (sort tail) in
          Format.printf ")@]@,";
    # sort [3;2;1];;
    (Sort [2; 1] then insert 3
      (Sort [1] then insert 2
        (Sort [] then insert 1
          (Insert 1 in []))
        (Insert 2 in [1]
          (Insert 2 in [])))
      (Insert 3 in [1; 2]
        (Insert 3 in [2]
          (Insert 3 in []))))
    - : int list = [1; 2; 3]