I have this model in Swift:
struct EventModel: Codable {
var eventType: String
var eventName: String?
var attributes: [String: String]?
Is it possible to move the attributes to the top level when I convert it to JSON? Example:
var model = EventModel(eventType: "type",
eventName: "name",
attributes: ["attribute1": "One", "attribute2": "Two"])
"eventType" : "type",
"eventName" : "name",
"attribute1" : "One",
"attribute2" : "Two"
First, encode the static keys, then encode the attributes into the same encoder:
extension EventModel: Encodable {
enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
case eventType, eventName
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
// Encode the normal stuff
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(eventType, forKey: .eventType)
try container.encode(eventName, forKey: .eventName)
// Then have the attributes dictionary encode itself
try attributes?.encode(to: encoder)