I am trying to test integrity of ZIP file
It looks like this command is working but I got many details about the file. I want to get a result if the test passed or failed in order to move to the next step.
Any idea how to do it? Something like:
$TestZip = 7z t \\bandit\global\QA\AgileTeam\bandit\Builds\\
if ($TestZip)
{The test passed}
{Test failed}
The output is:
Path = \\bandit\global\QA\AgileTeam\bandit\Builds\\
Type = zip
Physical Size = 5738248794
64-bit = +
Characteristics = Zip64
Everything is Ok
Files: 902
Size: 5927324719
Compressed: 5738248794
Tried this:
$TestZip = 7z t \\bandit\global\QA\AgileTeam\bandit\Builds\\ | set out
$ok = $out -like '*Everything is Ok*'
if ($ok) {write-host "Integrity test for Zip file passed"}
Errors are reported via exit code so just check it. No need to parse the output, you can just redirect the output to null. The way to check exit status in PowerShell is $?
7z t $zip_file_path 2>$null 1>$null
if ($?) {
echo "Success"
} else {
echo "Failed"
Use if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0)
instead of if ($?)
when stderr is redirected in older PowerShell (7.1.x and older) for more reliable result
Contains the execution status of the last command. It contains True if the last command succeeded and False if it failed.
Contains the exit code of the last native program that was run.