
"no main manifest attribute, in server.war" not using a main class

What I'm trying to do is have Docker run a TomEE 8.0.0 application with Maven. However when compiling the application, it gives me the error from the title no main manifest attribute, in server.war.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






I've tried the following solutions without avail

My question is, because I'm not using any "main" class within the application, but have TomEE running the application, how can I include the correctly?

Or, if this is not the case, how should I start the application, because currently I run the application with Docker through doing the following command

ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","server.war"]


  • Eventually after puzzling around with the hints from Robert Scholte, which helped me in the search of a solution, the indeed problem wasn't so much in the pom.xml, but more so in the setup of the Dockerfile. Within the old Dockerfile I was trying to run the .war as a .jar file.

    Slightly following the setup from I ended up setting up the following Dockerfile

    FROM maven:3.8.3-jdk-11-slim AS build
    RUN mkdir -p /workspace
    WORKDIR /workspace
    COPY pom.xml /workspace
    COPY src /workspace/src
    RUN mvn -B -f pom.xml clean package -DskipTests
    FROM openjdk:11-jdk-slim
    RUN apt-get update; apt-get -y install curl gpg
    ENV PATH /workspace/tomee/bin:$PATH
    RUN mkdir -p /workspace/tomee
    WORKDIR /workspace/tomee
    RUN set -xe; \
      for key in \
      # Matt Hogstrom <>
      9056B710F1E332780DE7AF34CBAEBE39A46C4CA1 \
      # Jeremy Whitlock <>
      F067B8140F5DD80E1D3B5D92318242FE9A0B1183 \
      # Richard Kenneth McGuire (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
      223D3A74B068ECA354DC385CE126833F9CF64915 \
      # Jonathan Gallimore <>
      DBCCD103B8B24F86FFAAB025C8BB472CD297D428 \
      # Jarek Gawor (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
      7A2744A8A9AAF063C23EB7868EBE7DBE8D050EEF \
      # Jarek Gawor <>
      B8B301E6105DF628076BD92C5483E55897ABD9B9 \
      # Andy Gumbrecht (TomEE Code Signing) <>
      FAA603D58B1BA4EDF65896D0ED340E0E6D545F97 \
      # Romain Manni-Bucau <>
      A57DAF81C1B69921F4BA8723A8DE0A4DB863A7C1 \
      # Mark Struberg (Apache) <>
      82D8419BA697F0E7FB85916EE91287822FDB81B1 \
      # David Blevins <>
      B7574789F5018690043E6DD9C212662E12F3E1DD \
      # Xu Hai Hong (Ivan Xu @ Geronimo) <>
      C23A3F6F595EBD0F960270CC997C8F1A5BE6E4C1 \
      # Jean-Louis Monteiro (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
      678F2D98F1FD9643811639FB622B8F2D043F71D8 \
      # Romain Manni-Bucau <>
      BDD0BBEB753192957EFC5F896A62FC8EF17D8FEF \
      # Romain Manni-Bucau <>
      D11DF12CC2CA4894BDE638B967C1227A2678363C \
      # Roberto Cortez (Apache Signing Key) <>
      C92604B0DEC5C62CFF5801E73D4683C24EDC64D1 \
      # David Blevins <>
      626C542EDA7C113814B77AF09C04914D63645D20 \
      # Jean-Louis Monteiro (CODE SIGNING KEY) <>
      3948829384B269D333CC5B98358807C52B4B0E23 \
      # Richard Zowalla (Code Signing Key) <>
      B83D15E72253ED1104EB4FBBDAB472F0E5B8A431 \
      ; do \
        gpg --batch --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "$key" || \
        gpg --batch --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "$key" ; \
    ENV TOMEE_VER 8.0.11
    RUN set -x \
      && curl -fSL${TOMEE_VER}/apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz.asc -o tomee.tar.gz.asc \
      && curl -fSL${TOMEE_VER}/apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz.sha512 -o tomee.tar.gz.sha512 \
      && curl -fSL${TOMEE_VER}/apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz -o apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz \
      && gpg --batch --verify tomee.tar.gz.asc apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz \
      && echo `cat tomee.tar.gz.sha512` apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz | sha512sum -c - \
      && tar -zxf apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz \
      && mv apache-tomee-${TOMEE_BUILD}-${TOMEE_VER}/* /workspace/tomee \
      && rm apache-tomee-${TOMEE_VER}-${TOMEE_BUILD}.tar.gz \
      && rm -Rf apache-tomee-${TOMEE_BUILD}-${TOMEE_VER} \
      && rm bin/*.bat \
      && rm bin/*.exe \
      && rm bin/*.tar.gz* \
      && rm tomee.tar.gz.asc \
      && rm tomee.tar.gz*
    EXPOSE 8080
    CMD ["", "run"]
    WORKDIR /workspace
    COPY --from=build /workspace/target/*.war /workspace/tomee/webapps/server.war

    This basically creates a .war file with maven and then ends up using that .war file in the tomee server by adding it at the end using COPY --from=build /workspace/target/*.war /workspace/tomee/webapps/server.war.