
Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: doesn't include the currently selected device" Flutter - MacOS

I'm able to build the macOS app from Xcode and run successfully, but when I'm trying to run it from Android Studio it's giving me the following error:

Provisioning profile "mac Team Provisioning Profile: doesn't include the currently selected device"

If I go to my apple developer account I can see my device UUID there as well.


  • If you're on Mac M1, your device will have two UUIDs: one when Xcode / xcodebuild is running natively, the other when running under Rosetta.

    To register your device ID under Rosetta:

    1. Applications folder > Xcode > right-click > Get Info > check "Open using Rosetta"
    2. Open app in Xcode
    3. Runner > Runner > Signing & Capabilities > ensure "Automatically manage signing" is checked
    4. Xcode will give you an error about the device ID not being in the provisioning profile > click the fix button
    5. Repeat steps 3. & 4. for any extensions you might have

    Xcode will add the device ID to your profile. You can now uncheck "Open using Rosetta" to have Xcode running natively again.

    See also this github issue.